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Non-Pedal Harp Grade 1 backup old

View Full GRADE 1 Syllabus With Videos


THREE PIECES: one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists, A, B and C:



Bernard Andrès No. 1 from Asters

Anon. Bohemian The Jolly Peasant from First Harp Book, arr. Paret

Anon. Italian O Sanctissima from Fun from the First!, Vol. 2, arr. Milligan

Grandjany Little Waltz (No. 12) from First-Grade Pieces for Harp by Grandjany and Weidensaul 

Jane Weidensaul Midnight Stars or Barn Dance Memory (No. 13 or No.15) from First-Grade Pieces for Harp by Grandjany and Weidensaul 

Soler Allegretto from Beginner’s Harp Book 1, arr. Schlomovitz


Anon. Chinese The Purple Bamboo (#s in glissandi may be played as naturals) from Fun from the First!, Vol. 2, arr. Milligan

Fiona Clifton-Welker Charlotte in Spring, from Harping On Book 1

Bonnie Goodrich Azaleas in Houston or Japanese Lanterns from A Bouquet for Young Harpists

arr. Meinir Heulyn Three Blind Mice (No. 4 from 12) from Easy Nursery Tunes for Young Harpists
Claire Jones & Chris Marshall Stars from Six Pieces for Harp

Anne Macdearmid Lullaby or The Merry-go-Round from Comunn na Clarsaich Folio 18

David Watkins Berceuse: No. 2 from Six Pieces


Dominig Bouchaud Coquillages (Shells) or A pas de fourmis (Ant’s Steps) or La balle (The Ball) from Harpe d’or

Ank van Campen Etude No. 2 or No. 5 from Tutor for the Celtic Harp 

Skaila Kanga Sound the Trumpets or The Glittering Ballroom (No. 8 or No.10) from Minstrel’s Gallery

Pozzoli 1st Grade: No. 2 or No. 3 or No.10 (page 91 or p. 97) from 65 Piccoli Studi facili e progressive in Grossi Metodo per Arpa

Tournier Les tierces (No. 1) from Les Plaisirs de la Harpe, Vol. 1, ed. Géliot

Scales and Arpeggios

Scales and Arpeggios Grades 1-5 for Non-Pedal Harp


Specimen Sight-Reading Tests from The Associated Board

Listen to samples of these pieces