
Serving the Harp World Since 1817

Bow Brand Pedal Light

High quality Bow Brand gut strings for antique pedal harps requiring a lighter stringing scale. Also used on some larger modern folk / lever harps such as the Pilgrim Progress, where the string tension is slightly higher than using Bow Brand Lever Gut strings.

We hold a large stock of Bow Brand gut strings - there may be times due to ongoing supply issues from Bow Brand we may be out if stock and these will be sent on as soon as we receive them.

Strings listed below are a hybrid of the original "Bow Brand Pedal Light Gut" stringing scale used from 1990's until changes in September 2023 and a newer version.  Some strings are slightly different, but by 0.02mm which is less than the actual manufacturing tolerances of the strings since they are a natural material.